Theme is signs. First thing I thought of was M. Night Shyamalans' movie, Signs; well filmed with a quaint farm and it's occupants surrounded but not protected by a corn field. Great looking farm. I would rate the movie supernatural lite. Loved the visuals.
Back when Mel was only an actor,
And Phoenix not yet a rapper,
a Culkin, not Macaulay,
played an asthmatic son.
It was Bo the daughter,
who turns out at the end,
had left clues all over,
and who would have guessed,
They looked quite invincible
but that wasn't the case,
turns out the alien's weakness
was something home based:
(I love the baseball reference. Ha, you had to watch it to understand.)
Taken tonight, edge of backyard. Cornfield.
From Butterflies 07-11-10. |