Monday, November 6

Made in Canada.

Martha & the Muffins "Echo Beach". I heard this today on the radio and couldn't pass it up. I remember looking for an MP3 of it only a couple of months ago. (don't ask me why - it was probably stuck in my head)

I never realized that most songs are now available on in one form or another. You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant. I mean youtube / internet.

Blogging seems to be replacing my bulletin board. I used to keep misc notes, pictures, columns from newspapers, magazines, ticket stubs, schedules, cartoons, etc. Anything interesting I'd run across during the course of a day.

The disadvantage is you can't empty / update it every year or so to save the best ones for remembrance / safe keeping (ie: shoebox). But then again, you couldn't tack a 20 year old video on the wall.


mellowlee said...

I forgot about that song! It's terrific!
Thanks for posting it.

olivia said...

Isn't the internets great! :)

Btw ... congrats on that election thing ... ;)